Background: I have been having my husband highlighting my hair for the past few months. I have gotten him to go the whole nine yards, foils and all. Prior to starting this endeavor, I read and watched all sort of materials about the numbers of hair color, how to mix beauty supply bought colors, the role of rinses in double processing blondes...pretty much I was a self taught beautician....or so I thought. So we sat down and highlighted my hair a few times with the lightest blonde you can get before having to move to bleach. We were both impressed and pleased with the results after the first, second and third times.
I was so impressed, that heck, I wanted to go even blonder, my husband likes it and my hair is looking great. (Warning #1: Overly Confidence). So expecting to be just as pleased with this beauty session at Chez Jackson, I mixed up some powdered lightener and got started on my strand test. After doing several strand tests, the strands were not that much lighter at all. So I mixed the "powdered lightener" with a stronger developer. One strand later still not that much lighter. (Warning #2: Overly Confident-UNDERESTIMATING Bleach)
With multiple strand tests done, Jamie and I set out on another what we thought would be another non-eventful highlighting adventure.
Warning #3: TOO confident in hubby's talent at highlighting
After one side of the front of my head was about done, I got up and to run to the little girl's room. That is when I just happened to glance in the mirror. My expectation of a beautiful flaxen blonde could not even blinde me from the bright Barbie yellow straw on my head that was blazing out from under the foil.
Warning #4:Powdered lightener is just a euphemism for toxic, harsh bleach. (lesson learned the hard way)
EPIC FAIL- I hurried and washed it out before I could go all Barbie or at least before my hair fell out (cause of course that was the next logical jump that I made).
Oh yes- IT WAS BLONDE. In a bad way and especially bad because it was only one side of the front of my hair. I stayed calm because what was done was done. And tears were sure as heck not going to put the color back in my hair.
I calmly came up with a plan- I would go back down stairs, act like it wasn't that big of a deal while I knew that my husband would be gawking inside even if he could hide it, but at least if I am collected he can't flip out. I could lie to myself that it wasn't that bad but if he started freaking out than all bets were off on me being able to hold back tears.
I had him do a few more highlights on the other side to even things out. He had lost all confidence in himself as a beautician at this point and I felt like I was going under the knife of a self-doubting surgeon who had suddenly developed a severe tremor.
End all be all- I dyed my barbie yellow hair (and all the rest) brown with temporary dye today. It took okay but I will probably be dying it for quite a while now to keep hidden that yellow that just wants to shine for all to see.
And if you are wondering- Why not just go get it fixed by a professional? I am very particular and untrusting of hair salon artist. I don't trust most of them at all with my hair and I am too mortified that I did something this dumb to go to my usual hair stylest. So in the end I guess I didn't learn my lesson, still putting more confidence in my ability to mix chemicals and put them on my hair than a trained professional.
EPIC FAIL- I hurried and washed it out before I could go all Barbie or at least before my hair fell out (cause of course that was the next logical jump that I made).
Oh yes- IT WAS BLONDE. In a bad way and especially bad because it was only one side of the front of my hair. I stayed calm because what was done was done. And tears were sure as heck not going to put the color back in my hair.
I calmly came up with a plan- I would go back down stairs, act like it wasn't that big of a deal while I knew that my husband would be gawking inside even if he could hide it, but at least if I am collected he can't flip out. I could lie to myself that it wasn't that bad but if he started freaking out than all bets were off on me being able to hold back tears.
I had him do a few more highlights on the other side to even things out. He had lost all confidence in himself as a beautician at this point and I felt like I was going under the knife of a self-doubting surgeon who had suddenly developed a severe tremor.
End all be all- I dyed my barbie yellow hair (and all the rest) brown with temporary dye today. It took okay but I will probably be dying it for quite a while now to keep hidden that yellow that just wants to shine for all to see.
And if you are wondering- Why not just go get it fixed by a professional? I am very particular and untrusting of hair salon artist. I don't trust most of them at all with my hair and I am too mortified that I did something this dumb to go to my usual hair stylest. So in the end I guess I didn't learn my lesson, still putting more confidence in my ability to mix chemicals and put them on my hair than a trained professional.
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